Fourth Series

About Fourth Series

A more complete view of the Bible and the fundamental truths of the Christian faith, and the ability to share the Gospel prepare you to be an effective ambassador of Christ.

Fourth Series Courses

01. The Holy Spirit At Work

Do we live without spiritual power in the Church? We should' because Christ sent the Holy Spirit. In this course you learn about the power that is in His Person and how He works through us.

02. Personal Evangelism

This course was designed to help you lead people to Christ by sharing your faith with those around you. Here you learn methods to do it.

03. Philipians, Colossians and Philemon

Writing from prison, Paul teaches from personal experience the joy of life in Christ, despite the great problems.

04. Ephesians

Pau' letter to Christians in Ephesus crowns the summit of the biblical revelation of Christ as the Head of the Church and of the Church as the Body of Christ. Go deeper to know these truths!

05. First Peter

Peter wrote to encourage the believers while the persecution against them increased. He reminded them that they were pilgrims traveling to Heaven and only temporary residents of this world. Strengthen your faith and testimony in a hostile world!

06. Second Peter and Jude

In his 2nd letter, Peter warned believers that false teachers would come to the Church. Judas, the half-brother of the Lord Jesus, picks up on the fact that the false teachers had arrived already. This course will remind you of spiritual and fundamental truths of faith.

07. Hebrews

This letter exalts the Lord Jesus Christ in a special way. It shows that He, our High Priest, is completely superior in His Person, functions and resources. This doctrine is of fundamental importance to us today.

08. Old Testament - Law and History

You will obtain an overview of the Old Testament sections of the Law (Genesis-Deuteronomy) and History (Joshua-Esther) by studying this course.

09. Old Testament - Poetry and Prophecy

The general study of the Old Testament continues and is completed with the sections of Poetry (Job-Song of Solomon) and Prophecy (Isaiah-Malachi). This course, together with the previous one, will allow you to have a joint perspective of the first part of the Bible.

10. New Testament Survey

The knowledge of the New Testament is fundamental for the Christian. Here you have a great help to aquire it. Together with the two previous courses on the Old Testament, it will help you to obtain a complete vision of the entire Bible.

11. Basic Bible Doctrines

The nine central doctrines of the Christian faith that are studied in depth in this course are very fundamental. These truths transform life!

12. Rightly Dividing The Word Of Truth

To interpret biblical teachings carefully and correctly, one must understand the differences between Israel and the Church, the coming of Christ and the judgments, among other topics.