Third Series

About Third Series

Studying our relationships as believers and more books of the Bible will transform how we live our Christian faith in the church and in this world.

Third Series Courses

01. Can You Know God?

Yes! In a simple way, this course explains the fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith, which will be very convincing for the non-believer and a great help for those who are new to the faith.

02. God's Word is Truth

Know the evidence of the inspiration and authority of the Bible, the answers to the alleged difficulties, and other evidence that "Go' Word is truth."

03. Acts

Follow the exciting story of the expansion of the Gospel as written by Luke and the formation of the Church from Jerusalem to Judea, to Samaria, and to the ends of the known world.

04. Buried by Baptism

Christian baptism is the focus of this doctrinal course. Also, it deals in detail with the false teachings and practices associated with baptism in the churches today.

05. The Lord's Supper

The Lor' Supper - only bread and only wine! With these simple and common things, the Lord Jesus asked us to remember Him in His death and resurrection for many practical reasons. Here they are explained.

06. Christ Loved The Church

This course defines the Chrurch with its deep truths and explains life in the Church as the body of the Head, Jesus Christ.

07. Timothy and Titus

These letters from Paul address the issue of pastoral care for the individual believer as well as the local body, including the government of the local church.

08. The Woman Who Please God

God has a special plan and purpose for women. Topics such as the virtues, behavior, relationships, ministry and spiritual gifts of women are discussed.

09. First Corinthians

We are saved, but we still sin. Paul teaches us how to deal with sin and problems in the local church to successfully fulfill the mission of the Church in the world.

10. God's Blueprint For Your Marriage

Explains the roles of husband and wife, commitment, intimacy, education and discipline of children, communication in the family, conflict resolution and other issues.

11. Second Corinthians

This epistle gives us a more personal view of Paul, the problems in his ministry, the defense of his apostleship and his concern for the believers in Corinth.

12. Plant My Feet On Higher Ground

Do you want to know how to grow in Christ? In this course you learn to be crucified, risen and ascended with Christ, and to experience a more intimate relationship with God through your sanctification.