First Series

About First Series

Study the essentials to have a firm foundation for your faith.

First Series Courses

01. The Servant of God

"Christ came to serve and not to be served." This is the motto of these 12 lessons on the life of Jesus Christ from the Gospel according to Mark.

02. The Greatest Man Alive

This course presents "the greatest Man who ever lived and who still lives," the Lord Jesus Christ, and His offer to know Him personally as our Savior.

03. The Word of God

God manifested Himself in the Person of Jesus Christ. In this course you'll see how the apostle John shows that Jesus is God, and other themes related to the Gospel.

04. The Bible Tells Me So

Using a very simple system of questions and answers, this is an excellent course that new believers can use for evangelism.

05. The Coming King

Matthew loved King Jesus, the King that God had planned for this world and waits for with interest in His return to Earth to reign. We hope that this enthusiasm and expectation will take root in your heart as well.

06. One God, One Way

Starting with Adam and other well known biblical characters, we learn that there is only one God and only one Way in which to know Him.

07. The Savior of the World

Luke wrote a biography about the Lord Jesus so that you could know all about Him and His life on Earth. This Gospel is a journey of discovery about the person and the work of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World.

08. Men Who Met the Master

This course is about six people who had a personal encounter with Jesus Christ. These include: the dying thief on the cross, the man who crucified Christ and the man who murdered his conscience.

09. The Bible: What's In It For You

The Bible is presented is such a way that you will want to study it and know its Author. You will also discover the important personal message it has for you.

10. What the Bible Teaches

Emmaus' most popular course, this is a summary of Bible doctrine on important themes like God, man, sin, the new birth, salvation, Heaven and Hell.

11. Remember the Creator

From the creation of the universe including all that is in it, until God's personal encounter with Man, this course teaches you the big lessons from the book of Genesis.

12. You Can Live Forever

Many doubt the validity of this. This course does not evade the big problems and the difficult questions, but rather explains how you may have the assurance of your eternal destiny.